2021 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deals are over! Thank you!
Last minute flash deals!
2021 Black Friday deals are now expired.
Frequently Asked Questions
All the offers on this page are expired. Thank you for the awesome 2021 Black Friday!
How can I get the free booklet?
The offer is expired: Rebel Chronicles booklet is now available for purchase on Third Siren.
What about the Mystery Brick?
I decided to sell 12 Mystery Bricks on Third Siren for Black Friday 2021. You will get a lot more than you pay, since there is 1 Gilded Edition included for sure (retail around $100), x3 Limited Editions (retail around $50) and x8 “Unlimited” editions (retail around $20). This offer is available for Black Friday only and there are only 12 slots available.
Can I choose the Mystery Brick’s decks?
No. It wouldn’t be a Mystery otherwise.
Why some products are on Third Siren?
Thirdway Industries website is automatically synced with Gambler’s Warehouse system. This is absolutely great since they ship automatically and quicker, however this means that some orders (like e-books or mystery bricks) could confuse them. I’m using my other website for anything need to be “not automatic”. Third Siren is 100% owned by Thirdway Industries.
Third Siren will also be used for other things in future?
Yes, I am planning to use it more in 2022. At the moment it’s a work in progress and most items are deactivated. I apologize for the chaos on it!
When Black Friday orders will be shipped?
I will ship all the Black Friday orders as soon as possible – consider this is the most hectic period of the year and we’re in the middle of a pandemic, so delays will be “normal” – my estimate is that you’ll recieve your decks during December (domestic) or January (International).
When these offer will expire?
All offers on this page can be removed without notice, so if you see something you like, don’t wait. New offers can appear anytime.
If you have questions, write me at giovanni-at-thirdway.it
Thank you for the incredible Black Friday!
Black Friday orders cannot be refunded – check carefully before you buy!
Coupon codes cannot be allpied after an order is made. However, if you had one but you forgot to use it, contact me at giovanni@thirdway.it and I will give you a credit code.