Coins, Uncut sheets and other items
Some videos and reviews about Monolith series
Check this gallery for more pictures:
Frequently Asked Questions
When these orders will be shipped?
All the decks are ready to be shipped: these are not preorders! Usually, Gambler’s Warehouse ship within 3 business days from the order.
When these offer will expire?
All offers on this page can be removed without notice, so if you see something you like, don’t wait.
If I want to buy several decks, can you give me a discount?
The prices on this store are already good, but if you’re looking for bricks… write me at giovanni@thirdway.it.
If you have questions, write me at giovanni@thirdway.it
This store’s orders cannot be refunded – check carefully before you buy!
Coupon codes cannot be allpied after an order is made. However, if you had one but you forgot to use it, contact me at giovanni@thirdway.it and I will give you a credit code.