Patreon is a membership platform for support your favourite artists with a monthly fee. In exchange, Artists offers rewards – digital and physical. So, if you love Thirdway Industries, you should consider joining it: I offer a lot of awesome rewards, including decks of course!
Patreon Yearly Reward
To receive the current year’s Yearly Reward (which is Dualism, at least 3 decks, in 2024) you must:
Be a “Sword” Monthly Patron (billed monthly) from Jan to Dec of the current year (e.g. Jan 2024 from Dec 2024)
— OR —
Have a “Sword” Yearly Membership started or renewd in the current Year.
Since 2024 is started already, this is the only way to get 2024 Yearly reward now. A standard Sword Yearly membership cost $324/year.
The higher tiers (Longsword, Massive Sword, Dragonslayer) grants multiple copies both of the monthly and the yearly reward.
Monthly rewards!

Monthly rewards are divided in quarters – Q1 Jan-Mar, Q2 Apr-Jun, Q3 Jul-Sep, Q4 Oct-Dec.
Usually the reward is 1-3 decks per quarter – o be eligible for the monthly reward you should be subscribed for all the three months the current quarter. E.g. for receive 2024 Q3 you should be subscribed from Jul to Sept 2024.
Qccasionally I can let Patrons integrate past quarters to be eligible for previous rewards.
It’s currently possible integrate previous months from July 2024.
Patreon Sword Rewards
2024 Rewards will be all limited or EE (Eternal Editions, Patreon Exclusive). Here are the 2024 TWI Patreon rewards delivered or announced so far:
TWI Patreon Tiers

TWI Patreon offers a lot of exclusive content, like previews on new decks/projects, background stories, secrets, informations. All posts are unlocked with the smallest reward available, called Bronze Key ($3/month). This tier also include a 3% discount on this website!
The Golden Key ($6 month) unlocks all the posts as well, but also offers access or priority on certain sales and a 6% discount on this website.
The Sword of the Conqueror include all the perks of the Keys, plus the Sword Package, the Patreon Physical reward. Longswords and Massive Swords are exactly th the same as Sword – just the physical reward is double or tripled.
Patreon Sword Package
The Regular Sword package is shipped 4 times per year, often once every 3 months. It includes from 1 to 4 decks.
Shipping is free for most countries (US, UK, CH, EU, CA, NZ, AU).
If you have a yearly membership or you’re a Patron from January to December, you’re also eligible for a Yearly Reward.
Patreon rewards can be EE (Eternal Editions) which are Patreon exclusives, not available outside Patreon.
Eternal Editions (EE)

The Eternal Editions (EE) are Patreon Exclusive decks, introduced in 2021.
These are made exclusively for Patrons and available ONLY as Sword of the Conqueror rewards.
EE will be very difficult to get outside Patreon. Unsold copies might be available for Patrons who want duplicates.
f I decide to release an EE for general public, it will have a very high price and it may be bundled with other decks.
Long story short: if you want Eternal Editions,
Patreon Decks!
Here are some of the decks were included into the Sword Packages since 2019.
Past Rewards
Here are all the rewards delivered via Patreon during the past years. It should give you an idea of what you would receive joining TWI Patreon.
Frequently asked questions
How I can get the yearly reward?
You should have a yearly membership starting in the current year (any month) or you should be a member from January to December.
If you are a member from Jan to Dec and you’re also a Yearly Patron, you’ll get an extra perk.
How can I get more Patreon decks?
You can subscribe for the “Longsword of the Conqueror” (that doubles anything you’ll get from the regular sword) or the “Massive Sword of the Conqueror” (that triples anything you’ll get from the regular sword). These multiply only the physical reward, the TWI discount and the other perks will stay the same.
Which perks include Patreon?
Patreon Sword include a 12% discount on Thirdway Website, some flash sales events reserved to Patrons, previews, informations and backstories on Thirdway Industries decks.
What happens if I activate a yearly membership in a different month than January?
You will be charged upfront for 12 months and your membership will last 12 months exactly. For example, if you join in October 2021, your membership will expire in November 2022.
Have other questions not listed here? Mail me at giovanni@thirdway.it