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Conquerors Audax

Conquerors Audax


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  • Printed by USPCC
  • Metallic inks on tuckbox
  • Metallic inks on cards
  • Perfect for cardistry and play
  • Bold style with thick lines

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The story of Conquerors

Conquerors main theme is the Victory.

Have a purpose is important for everyone – Conquerors are the ones who fight in order to achieve their personal Victory, whatever their goal is.

The War described in Conquerors is a big metaphor: the courts are fighting for achieve their personal dreams, not for annihilate each other.

Spades represent Strategy – they play carefully to have an advantage point. They’re patient and smart: they know that sometimes, wait is wiser than act.

Their favourite weapon is the Shield, usually combined with a polearm and a sword.

Hearts represent Bravery – they inspire their army with their heart full of courage. They’re reckless and willing to sacrifice themselves for Victory.

Their favourite weapon the sword – the King wield the Sword of the Conqueror itself.

Clubs represent Brute Force – They don’t have a plan, they just trample everything and everyone stand between them and Victory.

Their favourite weapons are blunt weapons, like maces, hammers and clubs.

Diamonds represents Power – Money, Influence, Resources – some people doesn’t need to fight in order to win. Some can just buy their Victory.

Their favourite weapons is the Axe, but they does not fight directly very often.

The Jokers are the most important characters of Conquerors.

The male joker is Mars Invictus, the invincible, brave God of War. He represent the battle itself, the strength to keep fighting to achieve the Victory.

Mars is the Roman God of War, and often is portrayed as brutal, violent and stupid. I wanted to represent Mars as his best, a noble, fearless fighter who stands against any enemy.

The first female joker is Victoria Alata, the Winged Victory herself. She’s the central character of Conquerors and the coveted prize for everyone. She’s completely merciless – for her, the only important thing is win – how, is not really important.

Victoria was an important Roman Goddess, and she was worshipped with a lot of statues in ancient times.

The second female joker is Fortuna Velata, the Goddess of Luck. She’s frivolous, and unpredictable, but her favor is precious. She usually protects the brave ones, so she’s not really blind.

Want to know more? Check this post on Patreon >>

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