Italia Segreta includes many of the most mystical and magical cities of Italy.

Italy is full of fascinating secrets and legends, and I’ve tried to include as many as possible in this deck. Although some of Segreta’s cities have gained popularity as tourist attractions, they are defined by their rich histories and mysterious souls.

Italia Segreta includes Napoli, Venezia and Torino.
About Italia Divina Series
Italia Divina is a series of poker playing cards that includes landmarks, stories, and secrets of Italy. There are three decks in this series: Italia Radiosa (Red), Italia Segreta (Green) and Italia Divina Limited Edition (White/Silver). Combined, they form the Italian Flag.

The courts are all custom and completely different in each deck, here is an example of the King of Spades:

Radiosa and Segreta have similar, complementary back designs, perfect for using them together. Divina has a different, more ethereal design in shining silver on white.

Each unique pip card features a beautiful location or reveals a hidden secret about Italy, the Land of Beauty. Here is an example:

These decks make the perfect travel companions for an Italian vacation, helping you discover and explore the many mysteries of Italy.
All decks are designed with functionality in mind; neither hints nor design will compromise playability in any way.