Playing cards inspired by Fairy Tales, Fables, and Fantasy Books, masterfully printed by USPCC with metallic inks.
Coins, Pins, Uncut Sheets and Carat Card Cases
Tales videos and pictures
An awesome review of Tales by The Card Guy!

Frequently Asked Questions
When these orders will be shipped?
All the decks are ready to be shipped: these are not preorders! Usually, Gambler’s Warehouse ship within 3 business days from the order.
When these offer will expire?
All offers on this page can be removed without notice, so if you see something you like, don’t wait.
If I want to buy several decks, can you give me a discount?
The prices on this store are already good, but if you’re looking for bricks… write me at giovanni@thirdway.it.
If you have questions, write me at giovanni@thirdway.it
This store’s orders cannot be refunded – check carefully before you buy!
Coupon codes cannot be allpied after an order is made. However, if you had one but you forgot to use it, contact me at giovanni@thirdway.it and I will give you a credit code.